
This is an old revision of the document!

Maustasten belegen

sudo apt-get install imwheel

Button 10 ist die Daumentaste.


IMWHEEL_PARAMS='-b "0 0 0 0 0 0 10"'


None,		ExtBt7,   Alt_L|F9

Und schließlich unter Einstellungen / Tastatur / Tastenkombinationen / Fenster / Fenster verkleinern
Alt + F9 einstellen (sollte aber auch Default sein).

xorg-xev, xbindkeys und xdotool installieren:

pacman -S xbindkeys xdotool xorg-xev

mit xev Button Nummer herausfinden.

Maustasten mit xbindkeys auf Tastendrücke legen: ~./xbindkeysrc:

# Button 10 sends ALT+F9
"xdotool key alt+F9"

xbindkeys automatisch beim Einloggen starten: ~/.xprofile:

xbindkeys &

In Desktop-Einstellungen ALT-F9 auf gewünschte Funktion, z.B. Fenster minimieren setzen.

Mausgeschwindigkeit einstellen

Per 'xset'. Z.B.: xset m 5/4 0

Das ganze dann als Startup definieren,

#cat ~/.config/autostart/mouse.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Set mouse sensitivity
Exec=xset m 5/4 0
Comment=Use xset to set mouse params
Comment[en_US]=Use xset to set mouse params
Comment[de_DE]=Benutzt xset um die Maus-Geschwindigkeit einzustellen

Siehe auch:

MATE Desktop: Window reize/move mit Windows (Super) Taste statt Alt

Arduino IDE unter Raspbian

Bluetooth RS232 Verbindung herstellen

$ sudo hcitool scan
Scanning …
00:02:C7:7D:F5:17 BlueGPS 7DF517
$ sudo rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 00:02:C7:7D:F5:17 1
$ ls -l /dev/rfcomm0
crw-rw—- 1 root dialout 216, 0 2008-12-14 23:15 /dev/rfcomm0

Floppy auf 720 kB formatieren (USB-Laufwerk)


#                                                                   #
# Command line                                                      # Bitbucket (prefered)
#                                                                   #

====================================== Create a new branch =====================================================

# Create and checkout branch                                        Bitbucket: Create the branch in Bitbucket
git checkout -b <branch>
                                                                    # Fetch the new branch and check it out
# Push (empty) branch to the remote repository                      git fetch
git push -u origin <branch>                                         git checkout LSAS-0815_CoolFeature
# Do the work: edit, add, ...

# Commit the branch
git commit -m "Insert commit message here"

# Push branch to the remote repository
# ***********************************************************
# Note: From Pro Git book: "In general the way to get the best of both worlds is to rebase local changes 
# you’ve made but haven’t shared yet before you push them in order to clean up your story, but never rebase 
# anything you’ve pushed somewhere.
# => so better first commit locally until finished, then rebase and then push to origin.
# ***********************************************************
git push    # Specify upstream if not already done above: git push -u origin <branch>

====================================== Rebase ==================================================================

# Update master copy
git checkout master
git pull

# go to branch which should be merged to master and make sure that remote is equal with your copy
git checkout <branch>
git pull    # only if branch is already pushed to origin

# Start rebase
git rebase master

# solve conflicts with an editor e.g foo.cxx has a conflict
kate foo.cxx # remove conflict
git add foo.cxx

# continue rebasing
git rebase --continue

# if there are no other conflicts to solve, push your branch to remote otherwise solve conflicts
git push --force

====================================== Merge the branch with master ============================================

git checkout master                                                 Bitbucket: Create pull request
git merge <branch>                                                  Bitbucket: Merge
git push                                                            Bitbucket: Delete <branch>



# Find the right partition
lsblk -o name,fstype,size

nvme0n1                477G
├─nvme0n1p1 vfat       512M  <== boot
├─nvme0n1p2 ext4     437,4G  <== root
└─nvme0n1p3 swap      39,1G

# Set boot and root partition names, change to your setup!

# Shrink root filesystem (NOT the partition)
tune2fs -l $ROOTPART
# Block count:              114655232  <== subtract 32768 (128 MB)

e2fsck -f $ROOTPART
sudo resize2fs $ROOTPART 114622464  # Block count - 32768

# Encrypt
cd luksipc-master
sudo ./luksipc -d $ROOTPART

# Add keyphrase
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey $ROOTPART --key-file=/root/initial_keyfile.bin
# Let’s check this worked (slot 0 and 1 are populated)
cryptsetup luksDump $ROOTPART
# Let’s scrub the initial keyslot so the initial keyfile becomes useless
cryptsetup luksKillSlot $ROOTPART 0
# And check again (slot 1 is empty)
cryptsetup luksDump $ROOTPART
# resize the filesystem to its original size
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen $ROOTPART newcryptofs
resize2fs /dev/mapper/newcryptofs

# Make the system boot from the encrypted filesystem
sudo mount /dev/mapper/newcryptofs /mnt
sudo mount $BOOTPART /mnt/boot

# Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
sudo nano /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
# change MODULES=() to
MODULES=(nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)
# set HOOKS to 
HOOKS=(base systemd autodetect keyboard keymap sd-vconsole modconf block sd-encrypt filesystems fsck)

sudo su
# Set the content of the file /boot/loader/loader.conf to
echo -e "default arch\ntimeout 5\nconsole-mode max\n" > /mnt/boot/loader/loader.conf
echo -e "title Arch Linux\nlinux /vmlinuz-linux\ninitrd /intel-ucode.img\ninitrd /initramfs-linux.img\noptions$(lsblk $ROOTPART -o UUID -n -d)=cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot nvidia-drm.modeset=1" > /mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

sudo chroot /mnt
mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -t sysfs sys /sys
mount -t devtmpfs udev /dev

mkinitcpio -p linux
exit  # leave chroot

# reboot
  • scratch.1551640624.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/03/03 20:17
  • by admin